After measuring around all the obstacles, ceiling lights, garage door opener, cabinets and the like, I built and installed nicely varnished mahogany racks
Project Details and More PhotosAfter measuring around all the obstacles, ceiling lights, garage door opener, cabinets and the like, I built and installed nicely varnished mahogany racks
Project Details and More PhotosThe “Misty Sea” is a 33foot Wellcraft Sportfisher. The inside was completely gutted. The cockpit window framework was pitted and corroded. Poor maintenance resulted in damage to the bowsprit and trim tabs. Other miscellaneous issues were addressed. Prior to any refurbishment, an extreme cleaning took place. The prior liveaboards liked beer and cigarettes.
Custom ceiling panels were fabricated to create a smooth padded vinyl covered overhead, all of which are easily removed for access to wiring and lights. All new hull liner, again using padded vinyl was installed. Cosmetically appealing welt and dual colors enhance the cabin space.
Project Details and More PhotosThis classic wood vessel required extensive repairs and cosmetic work. There was bad wood in numerous areas from the keel to the coach deck. At some point in its life, repairs were completed using sub-standard materials resulting in even more damage including fungus rot plus termite and worm invasion. Cosmetic repairs included all new paint, varnish, headliner, inside trim, carpet, hatch combings and more.
As evidenced by the pictures, worms had eaten through the worm shoe into the keel as well as some minimal damage at the chine and chine strake. The A/C condensation caused rot around the hatch in which it was placed as well as requiring repair to the coach deck itself. The starboard cabin side had a small (6 inch) bad spot that when addressed, ended up a major repair including the window frame, cabin wall, aft cabin structure, side deck. The plywood used for a previous repair was completely hollow from termite damage. Other smaller areas of damage were addressed.
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